Archives: Events

Project Incentives Review Committee (PIR)

Decide DeKalb's Project Incentives Review Committee will hold a meeting on Friday, November 8, 2024. This will be a Zoom Meeting: Topic: Projects & Incentives Review Committee Time: November 8, 2024  9:30 A.M. Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 246 755 560 776 Passcode: Ej5NwC

DeKalb Green New Deal Festival

Join Super District 6 Commissioner Ted Terry, the DeKalb County Planning and Sustainability department, and 20+ other organizations for a day of education, celebration, and action at our family-friendly World Planning Day featuring the DeKalb Green New Deal Festival! Enjoy live music, food trucks, eco-friendly workshops, and inspiring connections centered on community building and environmental...

Hiring Mixer

T.D. Jakes Foundation hosts the You're Hired Mixer! Saturday, November 9 from 11 am to 3 pm at Greenbriar Mall. This is a free event however you must register here